
Welcome to the english version of my virtual home.


Welcome to the english version of my virtual home.


G. Suardhika is an Indonesian trainer, writer, consultant and coach

He founded Value Consult (valueconsulttraining.com) on Oct 1st, 1999, which specialised on designing and delivering training for corporates in Indonesia.  He graduated from Psychology Faculty University of Indonesia (https://psikologi.ui.ac.id/) and MBA from IPMI (https://ipmi.ac.id/)

Since September 1st, 2015, he writes routinely about time mangement and self productivity in produktivitasdiri.co.id

His CV could be downloaded here >>


Organization Consulting: Human Performance Focus (humanperformance.co.id) as a consortium to serve the indonesian HR consulting needs in HR System, HR Development and Corporate Culture.

Indonesia Wellbeing Project: applying Positive Psychology in Indonesia




His first book, The Missing 40 Percent that based on the blog, has been published in Bahasa Indonesia on January 2019.


Filling the Gap Between Ordinary and Superior Individual and Organizational Productivity

Organization always try to find ways to optimize its productivity.  One of the important approach, and might be the most important one, is by optimizing each individual’s productivity.

Based on produktivitasdiri.co.id blog, this book try to trigger a discussion on organization productivity based on each person’s productivity.  The writer belief that optimum productivity in an organization could only be achieved if there are alignment between individual and organization’s interest. 

When an organization help each person in the organization to achieve that win-win situation, then the gap between ordinary and superior productivity (this book assumed it could be 40 percent different) could be closed.

The Missing 40 Percent is not a how to book.  This is the book that want to inspire an alternate path to productivity which was written by a trainer that has 20 years experience delivering training to various organizations.


ILP Center Building 
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.39A, Pancoran,
South Jakarta City,
Jakarta 12780
Phone: +62 21 79198730, +62 21 79194462
Email: gsuardhika@cbn.net.id

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